Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Impact of Photojournalism

CNN iReport task 1:
These Images affect my connection to  the story being reported because in one of the photos , It was a similar situation because I once had to leave my house because of a huge fire that was close by my house.

NOUPE task 2: Screenshot
This Image speaks to me because of how the kids in this photo are not at home with their mom, but there out with there dad while is drinking & etc. The real reason why this Image speaks to me is because of how there letting this little boy smoke period & also smoking  with the dad standing right there. i say they shouldn't let little boys smoke in St.Jacques period.

TopDesignMag Task 3:

Select an image and tell me the story you think it tells.  Who/What is in the image?- What is in the Image is a huge clock called Big Ben.
  When/Where is this happening? This is happing in London
  Why has this subject been selected?  I chose this photo because it seems like a easy photo to talk/write about.
 Why is this topic worth reporting on? I say its worth reporting on because this clock is Famous in London& it has a lot of history to it.
  How did the photojournalist gain access to get this photo? They would to go to a website that has the Big Ben clock which is in London
   How does this image help tell the story? It  helps tells the story about the clock which got it's name "Big Ben" & aslo it looks like its been in London for a very long time.

Final task: I say that my opinion on photojournalism has stayed the same because like i said before , i Don't really like photojournalism because it's really boring to me & just a waist of time & also i rather be doing something else than photojournalism.

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