Thursday, December 20, 2012

What Do Others Think?

what do most people you talked to seem to think? 

Most people  seem to think that bullying is making someone feel selfconious,feeling depressed,hurt,&harassing. They also said that most of them have been bullied or teased by other people & etc. Most people say that the punishment should be expulsion & Dentention because of all types of bullying. The people i interviewed said that their opinion of bullying is that why can't they be friends with each other.

 Do you see a pattern in the responses?
yes i see a pattern , they all have the same opinions on  what they think about bullying& how they think is wrong.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun control & safety

Well I'm  very depressed with what happen in Newtown,Connecticut because why would he kill 28 people for no reason.I wonder what made this guy kill all those  nice& greatful kids for no reason, also what made Adam Lanza want to kill his mom, all those teachers ,& little kids that went to newton. many people in the U.S want the guy rules to tighten up a lot because of the many shootings in the other states as well. i personally think that they should tighten up on gun because people/ kids are getting killed for no reason & also because it makes no sense to me that people buy guns in the uses them in a dumb act of violence such as a robby,drive by & etc.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

what's important to you?

1.What's important to you? I would say that's what's most important to me is Family,Friends & my pets. Without them I would be one lonely lost child in the world not knowing what to do or anything, &  without family ,friends,&  my pets I wouldn't have no one to go to If I was down or needed someone to talk to.
2.What do you care most about? I mostly care about Family & Friends Because Without them I don't know How I Would Live My Life.  
3.What goals do you have for your future? The Goals I Have Are:

  • To Make It Through High School & Life
  • To Get A Scholarship For Football 
  •  To Make My Family Proud Of Me Making It Through High School 
  • To Graduate College
  • To Go To The NFL
  • To Live LIfe Long As I can 

4.What motivates you to do your best and keep you focused on your goals?
What Motivates Me To Do My Best Is When My Mom's Pushes Me To get My Grades Up & Also What Motivates Me To Do my best Is When My Friends & Family Say " I Know You Can Do Better Than That' & Get Better Grades than that.

I would encourage them to stay focus & movtivaed  by telling them some of my mistakes that i had through out my school life & hopefully they dont do what i did in middle school/elementary. i would aslo in encourage them to stay focused on school because school is very important & also you need your education to get at least a job or at least money in your life so that you could have a decent home or etc.

Friday, December 7, 2012

playing the news

Once you've completed this task, you will create a new blog post that answers the following:
1) Which news story did you select? Why? I Chose Drinking Age Debate because all of the other stories were closed & they didn't really interest me on choosing them.
2) Which perspective or side did you choose? Why? The Perspective I choose was that they should reduce the drinking age to 18 because  people who fight in the war & that is 18 , should be able to go back home  & grab a Beer or whatever without getting in trouble by the law because their an adult now.
3) What did you decide should happen? Why? I Decide that they should lower the drinking age because that's not fair for the people who are 18 so be able to drink anyway because they are adult now that there 18.
4) What was your prediction? Explain. i predict that they should change so that the 18 year old's should be able to drink like everybody else who isn't 18 but still drink.
5) What do you think about this kind of interactive news approach? i found this news story interesting because of the fact that people wanna lower the drinking age so that everyone could be treated fairly in life even though, life isn't fair.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Impact of Photojournalism

CNN iReport task 1:
These Images affect my connection to  the story being reported because in one of the photos , It was a similar situation because I once had to leave my house because of a huge fire that was close by my house.

NOUPE task 2: Screenshot
This Image speaks to me because of how the kids in this photo are not at home with their mom, but there out with there dad while is drinking & etc. The real reason why this Image speaks to me is because of how there letting this little boy smoke period & also smoking  with the dad standing right there. i say they shouldn't let little boys smoke in St.Jacques period.

TopDesignMag Task 3:

Select an image and tell me the story you think it tells.  Who/What is in the image?- What is in the Image is a huge clock called Big Ben.
  When/Where is this happening? This is happing in London
  Why has this subject been selected?  I chose this photo because it seems like a easy photo to talk/write about.
 Why is this topic worth reporting on? I say its worth reporting on because this clock is Famous in London& it has a lot of history to it.
  How did the photojournalist gain access to get this photo? They would to go to a website that has the Big Ben clock which is in London
   How does this image help tell the story? It  helps tells the story about the clock which got it's name "Big Ben" & aslo it looks like its been in London for a very long time.

Final task: I say that my opinion on photojournalism has stayed the same because like i said before , i Don't really like photojournalism because it's really boring to me & just a waist of time & also i rather be doing something else than photojournalism.