Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Look back on the semester or time that you've been here in journalism and think about:
  • what you learned about journalism or yourself- Well what i learned about journalism is that you just don't write all day long , you sometimes do things that require you to go online &e etc.
  • what you liked about the class- to be honest  i really didn't like this class because its way to long & boring to me because all we dois write ,research ,& read articles 
  • what you didn't like about the class- what don't i like about this class is tat we never get any free time even though we sometimes get done early with our work.
  • what you would like to see next semester or if you took this class again- well like i said earlier when i got switched into this class was that this class was going to be super boring to me,& no.
  • what grade do you think you deserve and why - be specific!- i think i deserve an A because i do most of the work if not then a B at least 

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